Sailing for Sustainability
A very special regatta started on August 22, 2021 in Monheim am Rhein: 17 sailing boats, whose sails for the # Art4GlobalGoals campaign by the international Artist Stefan Szczesny with its expressive interpretations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), started in bright sunshine across the Rhine towards Düsseldorf, drove to the finish line there and brought the sustainability goals back to people’s awareness . We are already looking forward to the next stage of the regatta and exhibition on September 25th ’21 in Koblenz.
In partnership with Dirk Geuer the Geuer & Geuer Art and the internationally renowned painterStefan Szcesny, the YOU Foundation, the Düsseldorf artstar publishing house, the Segel Bundesliga and the Monheimer Kulturwerke, the SAILING # Art4GlobalGoals exhibition was created on the water and at the same time an attention-grabbing campaign on sustainability at the birthday celebration of the 75th anniversary of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
# Art4GlobalGoals with the support of UNESCO, a campaign by YOU Stiftung and the Geuer und Geuer Art, which draws attention to the 17 global goals for sustainable development, including “Eliminate hunger”, “No poverty”, “Health and well-being”, “Qualitative education”, “Gender equality”, was expanded with SAILING # Art4GlobalGoals. Sailing is an extremely suitable medium for this, which underlines sustainability.
The Vice President of the Board of Trustees of the YOU Foundation, Claudia Jerger, sailed on the boat whose sails represent SDG No. 4, “High-quality education”, and was enthusiastic and thanks all those who participated in this unique campaign. An experience that contributes to the implementation of the YOU Foundation’s mission, namely to take care of the needs of disadvantaged people worldwide. Editions of the works of art can be purchased, with part of the proceeds going to the YOU Foundation for educational projects.
The next stop of the culture regatta “Sailing # Art4GlobalGoals” will be the 2-day tour on 25./26. September be from Koblenz to Monheim.