The YOU Foundation, together with its founder, Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, UNESCO Special Ambassador for Education for Children in Need, promote programs and projects worldwide that aim to create measurable added value (YOU-WIN-4) for its beneficiaries, the impacted countries, and our donors all while achieving the related SDGs. The goal is always the OUTCOME and the long-term impact (IMPACT). Through social investments, we HELP PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES. All projects aim to improve local conditions in the long term. Project development is participatory and carried out in such a way that it is either self-sustaining or taken over by the relevant local government authorities, communities or stakeholders to ensure sustainability in the best possible way… by creating "ownership feeling." The YOU Foundation is committed to creating improved impact and multiplicative change through self-organization.
The Foundation promotes socially acceptable and sustainable development work with a special concentration on education. In all of our projects, the main focus is on the following three areas that are also in line with the New Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: