Through this effective project and together with the participation of the German Postcode Lottery, the YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need was able to provide substantial support for children affected by severe food insecurity in two communities in Burkina Faso. The participating mothers and their children took part in training courses on healthy and nutritious food preparation, and the realization of a special flour production facility has enabled the mothers and their children to combat malnutrition and move towards a better future.
Despite the abundance of rain, the very poor households in 47 villages near Koloko, Kangala and Samorogouan are regularly affected by severe food insecurity, especially at-risk mother-child households.
Project goal:
- Reduce infant mortality and chronic malnutrition among infants in the 3,000 poorest households: this is about 1,869 infants aged 0-23 months and indirectly about 35,000 people.
- Increase resilience to malnutrition in infants and young children.
- Production of a facility for nutrient-rich infant formula.
- Sustainably promote the transfer of skills and knowledge to local authorities and civil society.
Our joint activities:
- Training of 1,860 mothers in healthy nutrition.
- Training of local stakeholders in fortified flour production, marketing and management.
- Health training.
- Workshops on communication with the local government.
- Awareness-raising measures for civil society.
- Cultivating areas for vegetables growth.
- Construction of
- Production of infant formula.
Together we were able to effectively counteract chronic malnutrition in two provinces and sustainably strengthen the self-responsibility of all beneficiaries in order to not to leave the poorest of the poor civil societies behind. #LeaveNoOneBehind #EqualOpportunities

We cannot thank you enough #PostcodeEffect!