Soutien au Centre Social Lazare

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Soutien au Centre Social Lazare

Since its opening in 2002, the social center Lazarus in Bucharest has become an important contact point for children and adolescents living on the streets. In the center, they can receive medical treatment, meals, clothing and a place to sleep.

Craft, sport and music programs exist for the children that reside in the social center. They can visit the kindergarten or go to school.  Young mothers that live on the streets with their children are also welcomed.

A playground and a sporting facility also belong to the social center.  In total, 100 children and adolescents can sleep at the center.

In the past year, the UNESCO Foundation has again supported the CONCORDIA organization in their work; in 2011 specifically the social center Lazarus.

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La Fondation YOU – Éducation pour les enfants dans le besoin, est une initiative de l’Envoyée spécial de l’UNESCO Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven qui s’engage pour l’éducation des plus pauvres parmi les pauvres dans le monde.


YOU Fondation – Education pour Enfants en Détresse
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Allemagne


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© La Fondation YOU - Éducation pour les enfants dans le besoin